My last post was on 'Spoilt Lychee'. Perhaps some of you was thinking whether I managed to change it or not. Yes, of course. I changed all the lychee tins to another brand & canned syrup fruits. The tins which I changed earlier also the same with the tin I have opened. So, right now, I have 6 tins for this year. Opppss.... I took the canned lychees / longan drinks rarely.
Valentine's day was yesterday. So, are you all having great fun / romance? I hope that all of you enjoy the romance of Valentine's day. Well, as for me...... it was my "Happy Single Awareness Day!". Haha... Emmagem has a featured article for it.
Night activity was quite interesting as there is a "CNY Open House" activity at my housing area. There are lion dances, taekwando, yoga, dancing, singing & etc.
Lion Dance
I do have some funny picture in my digi-cam.
Nowaday, children are getting smarter. They can even get an empty carton box to play with.
Kids these days.... Having funs.
What about the environment? Romantic.
The relection of the romantic environment was swimming pool.
I am looking forward for the next festive. ^_*
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