I was just back from TESCO to change the spoilt lychee tins which I bought few days before the CNY.
(The Lychee products)
However, tomorrow I am going to TESCO again to change few more tins. Total nos. of tins bought was 6.
2 tins is with me & another 4 tins is in the office which was meant for a lunch feast.
What really happened with my lychee? A picture shows a thousand words.
(After opened the tins)
(Disappointed products.. I bought it for RM1.68/tin. Hey, it is still not cheap & it is money. Economic recession also.)
Pictures above shows the inside of the tins looks like when I opened both tins. Yucks!!
1. The water was discoloured (air menjadi keruh).
2. Syrups still smells good but the fruits are spoilt.
3. Saw the inner tin? Black / Grey in colour. The quality of the tin are extremely no good. Getting RUST!!
4. Fruits are in brown color.
5. BIG QUESTION: Are you still dare to eat it? Definitely a BIG NO.
Definitely, you would like to know more right? See the picture below which will tell you more.
(The packaging's information)
Does my lychee tins expired? Definitely, a big NO.
See expiry date on the tin shown in picture below. It was stated 100702 (Means expired on 02/07/2010).
So, what the TESCO staffs told me.
1. The 2 tins I bring to me today, I need to change back with the same product brand.
2. The remaining 4 tins, they allow me to change to another brand. Of course, it will be expensive a little bit & I need to top up. I don't mind about it as I does not want to eat those which is contaminated with the rusty chemicals.
3. What if the 2 tins I changed earlier & still spoilt? They allowed me to change to another brand also. However, I am thinking they still wants to clear off the old products, so they have asked me to get the same brand. Well, I don't mind to change another time since TESCO is really near to my house. Hehe.... yet it is still tiring.
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