Merry Xmas (even though passed few days already) & Happy New Year!!
As usual on every year, we will have our gathering or date. Its depends how actually you spent this occasion with someone you loved, parents, family or friends. This year, I had a great gathering. Everything falls on the same date but have to reject for those invitation came late. Sorry, everyone. Hope you all won't mind about it. Heheh... ^_^
I spent my 2009 Xmas with Hui Fen & Pei Yeeng. My old buddies from college time. Hey, it's been approx. 8 years we know each other. I have another 2 friends but they are MIA. Hehe... MIA people, please don't angry with the stmt stated earlier. Hehehe...
We went to KLCC and Golden Triangle area. Our lunch was at Delicious Cafe (located at Jln. Pinang).
Located right at Marc Residence.
Thanks to Hui Fen who has suggested this lovely place. It is nice, clean, superb, quiet place which I like.
Front view of Delicious Cafe.
A view in Delicious Cafe.
It's me with nice background.
Nice environment. White card - The restaurant menu.
As usual, we did our Xmas ex-change gift activity. Besides us, there are another group of guys did their gift ex-change in the restaurant. We were quite shock that guy (ONLY GUY) also did the gift ex-change program. It's kinda weird for us cos it's our first time to see bunch of guy exchange their present. Okay, it doesn't means anything la... Just curious. Heheh... It's quite fun to participate in gift ex-change activity.
Foods price is reasonable as it is same as per
Chamomile tea & a tin of Diet Coke.
Fish & Chip set.
Spicy Crab Spaghetti.
Nasi Kerabu.
Desserts - Strawberry Trifle.
The view...
After eating, we exchanged our gifts.... Heheh...
P.Yeeng gets Eva's gift / H.Fen gets P.Yeeng's gift / Eva gets H.Fen's gift.
My Xmas gift: Blue Scarf.
Outside view of the cafe.
Then, we walked to Pavillion & Sg. Wang from KLCC area. Walking distance is not near too but it's a good experience we had. Learn new "small" roads. Heheheh.... We made a stop at Pavillion to snap some photos.
The reindeer which I adores very much.
Thereafter, we went to Sg. Wang for our shopping. As for our dinner, we went to T-Bowl (Toilet Concept Restaurant which located at Sg. Wang). We know that some does not prefer this concept due to hygiene matter. Well, who cares? It is just a concept right?
The menu.
Part of the concept.
Sitting on the toilet bowl with basin as the table. There are decoration inside the basin too.
Here is our foods. You must be wondering how they will serve it right? A picture shows a thousand words.
Signature Giant (Hotdogs) & Donut Delight (Chocolate ice-cream).
Japanese Seafood (small steamboat set) & Cheese Baked Scallop.
My shopping goodies... (Spent a lot at KLCC). My wallet is "dripping water"... (^_^)""
Phew!! Long Xmas story right? Enjoy makan trip in KL? Hehehe.....
Stay tuned for more updates... Good night.
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